
Logistics solution

Books distribution center

  • Transfer system
  • Sorter

Sorting returned goods according to publishers.
Fewer sorting errors and a shorter lead time are realized.


A books/magazines distribution center. Printed materials returned from book stores are sorted gently according to publishers.
The required manpower is reduced in addition quicker handling.

System benefits

  • Efficiently sorting returned books and magazines according to publishers is managed by the book sorter.
  • The sorter reduces sorting errors and shortens delivery lead time.
  • Gently handling books with causing no damage.
  • Barcode scanner

  • Transfer lines

VoiceFeedback from customer

How to handle with numerless rerturned books and magazines speedily and accurately was challenging.
Thanks to the sorter specialized in handling books, sorting ideal to characterics of handled products was achieved. Not only manpower, but also delivery lead time was shortened.